Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Husband Joins the Circus

My husband’s idea of a vacation means a week of doing what he wants. Up early Monday morning, he got his breakfast then he would dive right into one of the strategy games he loved so much.

The three older children dragged themselves in like zombies to grab their breakfast before school only to stop and stare at their dad, who was normally at work by now.

“Dad, what are you doing home?” the oldest asked.

In his matter of fact voice he said, “Oh I quit my job. I decided I want to join the circus. I have an audition for the high wire act this morning.”

An immediate chorus of nu-uh’s echoed in the kitchen.

That afternoon when the kids got home from school, they ran in to ask their dad how the audition went.

“Well, turns out I’m a little too heavy for the high wire, but they said I could come back tomorrow for the human cannonball act.”

A little excited, the kids ran off to display their reaction.

I have to say that I was enjoying this too, confirming to them that he was really auditioning.

The next morning dad was sitting at the breakfast table again, not at work, as he would be all week. Each evening telling the kids that he didn’t make the cut and then reassuring them that he would be back the next day to try something else, a trapeze artist, a lion tamer or working with the elephants. What kind of parents are we?

That Friday, a neighbor came over to visit me.

“Is everything with Brad’s job ok?” She was concerned.

I assured her that his job was well and we had no worries.

Then she explained that she was helping in the classroom earlier. They were discussing jobs. Specifically what jobs their dads have.

Samantha, our third, got up in front of the class to tell her peers that her father works in the circus.


“Dad since you didn’t get into the circus, what are you going to do?”

“I think I want to be a nurse.”


  1. Bwahaha, awesome! Love Hubs' imagination.

    I bet there are some pretty awesome mealtime discussions going on at the dinner table.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
